Heavy Hitters 2020

In March 2020, Phil Hayes returned once more to the intimate setting of the Gessnerallee Südbühne , this time reuniting with his old Forced Entertainment sparring partner John Rowley. 

Vis­ceral, mu­si­cal and qui­etly dis­turb­ing.. Phil and John got lost ex­plor­ing the tragic, heroic fail­ure of singing (your way out) of the pain...
With Heavy Hitters, they created an ab­surd dou­ble-act to ex­plore the con­cept of per­sis­tence, the idea of keep get­ting back up and try­ing again, of sta­mina against all odds … ask­ing when is the time for an ag­ing (artist) body to fi­nally quit?

An ex­pense of emo­tional en­ergy
weak knees
a waste of shame
lust in ac­tion
lost in ac­tion
love ac­tion

A First Cut Pro­duc­tions co­pro­duc­tion with Gess­ner­allee Zurich.
Performances 6., 7., 8. March 2020

**HEAVY HITTERS was invited to perform at the 2021 Impulse Theatre Festival in Cologne. Due to developments around COVID-19, these performances did not take place.

Concept, Music; Phil Hayes
Performance; Phil Hayes, John Rowley
Dramaturg; Julia Hintermüller
Licht, Technik; Patrik Rimann
Diffusion; Lise Leclerc - Tutu Production
Prouktionsleitung; Lukas Piccolin
Photos: Niklaus Spoerri

  • Niklaus Spoerri
    Niklaus Spoerri
    Niklaus Spoerri
  • Niklaus Spoerri