New Values 3 - The Call Of The Wild / Ruf der Wildnis 2024

Kim Noble and Phil Hayes answer The Call Of The Wild…

Hey Kim, ever feel like really getting away from it all? I’ve been having a tricky time of late and wondered if you fancied stepping outside for a while? You know, away from the creative wilderness and into a real bit of wildness. Three weeks of fun, travel and adventure, just you and me. Just us and the elements. A few nights under the stars and a base camp to check in with in case things go wrong. But what could go wrong? I can pay for your travel. Dress warm.

Kim? do you read me? I think my compass has stopped working. over….

Fabriktheater, Rote Fabrik Zurich
14. November 2024, 20Uhr
15. November 2024, 20 Uhr
16. November 2024, 20 Uhr

A First Cut Productions coproduction with Fabriktheater Rote Fabrik Zürich
Supported by Stadt Zürich Kultur, Fachstelle Kultur Kanton Zürich and Ernst Göhner Stiftung

New Values*

In the search for more spontaneity and with calls for added value ringing in their ears, Phil Hayes and First Cut Productions have been exploring and testing new and spontaneous lo-fi performance ideas together with a series of new collaborative partners. In co-production with Fabriktheater Rote Fabrik, all projects in this series include a short research phase, followed by just three weeks of collaborative work and three performances. With, among others, Phil Hayes, Dominic Oppliger, Jessica Huber and Kim Noble.

After the first two episodes, created in March and September 2024 in collaboration with Dominic Oppliger and Jessica Huber, comes the next instalment: New Values 3 – together with performance maker and artist Kim Noble.

  • Niklaus Spoerri
    Niklaus Spoerri
    Niklaus Spoerri
  • Niklaus Spoerri
    Niklaus Spoerri
    Adrian Elsener / eisbüro