These Are My Principles... Premiere November 2016

These are my principles. If you don’t like them I have others* 
is a per­for­mance pro­ject about prin­ci­ples, what they mean in a world of com­pro­mise, how be­fore every­thing was some­how much clearer. Why did some­thing you once be­lieved in so strongly and that seemed so im­por­tant to you, some­thing that you and oth­ers found so in­spir­ing... cease to have the same im­por­tance. Why, when it seemed so clear as to which side you were on, do peo­ple find it so dif­fi­cult to say what they are ac­tu­ally for or against. Where has all this com­pro­mise brought us? Has con­sen­sus some­how cor­rupted the idea of prin­ci­ple? Are there still lines we don’t cross? Does money change every­thing? Can you do some­thing good in­side of some­thing that you think is ul­ti­mately bad? Can you still make principled choices? 
*(Groucho Marx)

  • Concept, Direction:  Phil Hayes
  • Created in collaboration with:  Christophe Jaquet,
  • Nada Gambier
  • Performance:  Phil Hayes and Nada Gambier
  • Dramaturgy:  Julia Hintermüller
  • Lighting:  Tina Bleuler
  • Sound:  Susanne Affolter
  • Video:  Susanne Hofer/Flimmern
  • Production:  Lukas Piccolin
  • Assistance & Cordination:  Katharina Balzer

These Are My Principles... is usually performed in English, but we also have a version „en Francais et Anglais simple“ which will premiere in September 2017 at Actoral Festival, Marseille (F).
For further information about touring, availability etc -  please contact Lise Leclerc at Tutu Production

These Are My Principles... is a co-production with Gessneralle Zurich, Kaserne Basel and Südpol Luzern.
Premiere  24. November 2016 Gessnerallee Zurich

  • Niklaus Spoerri
    Niklaus Spoerri
  • Niklaus Spoerri
    Photo. Adrian Elsener