WORK 2017

It is the end of the day and we are try­ing to do the right thing. Six people doing their best in a large shared office… WORK is a symbolic exploration of the rules of the contemporary culture of working, attempting to answer the following questions;

If so much work now is just about organising other people to actually do it, is real work always done else­where by other peo­ple?.

If your work is only about organisation rather then production, how do you know when it is finished?

How can peo­ple who are given no re­spon­si­bil­ity actually make de­ci­sions and is it pos­si­ble to do some­thing good in­side some­thing that is ultimately bro­ken?

A choreographic office world peopled by six performers. As we try to decode the invisible rules, the telephones don’t stop ringing and the paperwork just keeps piling up. As interdepartmental problems emerge, conflicts of responsibilty start to take hold.

  • Performers :  Mark Etchells, Nele Jahnke, Christophe Jaquet, Nora Vonder Mühll, Viviane Pavillon, & Marius Schaffter
  • Concept/ Directed by:  Phil Hayes
  • Musik/ Songs:  Phil Hayes, David Langhard
  • Dramaturg:  Julia Hintermüller
  • Costume/ Stage:  Nic Tillein
  • Video:  Susanne Hofer/flimmern
  • Lighting:  Tina Bleuler/ Electricgold
  • Sound:  Susanne Affolter
  • Stage Construction:  Kurt Brun/ Werkstatt Gessnerallee
  • Photography/ Graphic Design:  Adrian Elsener, eisbüro
  • Performance Photographs:  Niklaus Spoerri
  • Diffusion:  Lise Leclerc / Tutu Production
  • Production Assistant :  Chahida Rezgueni
  • Coordination:  Katharina Balzer
  • Production:  Lukas Piccolin

A First Cut Productions coproduction with Gessnerallee  Zurich, Kaserne Basel, Theatre de Vidy Lausanne & Südpol Luzern
Supported by;
Stadt Zürich Kul­tur, Fach­stelle Kul­tur Kan­ton Zürich, Pro Hel­ve­tia Schweizer Kul­turs­tiftung, Ernst Göhner Stiftung

  • Photo: Adrian Elsener
    Photo: Niklaus Spoerri
    Photo: Niklaus Spoerri
  • Photo: Niklaus Spoerri
    Photo: Niklaus Spoerri
    Photo: Niklaus Spoerri